STING-mediated Syk Signaling Attenuates Tumorigenesis of Colitis‑associated Colorectal Cancer Through Enhancing Intestinal Epithelium Pyroptosis.
Extracellular vesicles package dsDNA to aggravate Crohn's disease by activating the STING pathway.
The ubiquitous role of spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) in gut diseases: From mucosal immunity to targeted therapy.
Intestinal mucosa-derived DNA methylation signatures in the penetrating intestinal mucosal lesions of Crohn's disease.
CCL4-mediated targeting of spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) inhibitor using nanoparticles alleviates inflammatory bowel disease.
JINLING (Judicious INdex of Luminal INflammation Grade) score, an effective indicator to assess inflammation severity in Crohn's disease.